When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 889

Chapter 889


Chapter 889 He let out a breath of relief when he heard her response He didn’t want anything, he just wanted her to speak to him. “You didn’t reply to iny messages.” He felt so clumsy when he was standing before her. “Then don’t send me messages.” She gave him a cold look and got into the car. The red BNW’s engine rumbled and turned swiftly, before racing off into the distance.
Once they were on the highway, Tammy asked, “Avery, have you fallen for him again? You look just like me when I couldn’t sleep for nights in a row.”
Avery lowered her head as she was not in the mood for a discussion. “I checked Elliot out carefully just now and realized that he sure maintains himself well! He looks so handsome for his age that he doesn’t even look any different from the first time I saw him…”
Avery interrupted her and said, “Tammy, how old do you think he is?” “Forty?” “Probably not that old.” Avery scowled. “Definitely not forty. I should know if he is.” “Why? Is there supposed to be a grand celebration when he turns forty?” “No. I just don’t think he is that old.”
“That’s exactly why I said he maintains himself well. Not only his face, but he has a great figure as well. Why would you ask him to be a perfect husband when you can just take him as a lover?”
Avery was stunned. “Do I look like the kind of person who would toy with others’ emotions to
“You have misunderstood. I’m not telling you to toy with his emotions; I am telling you to toy with his body!” Tammy blinked and continued, “Women’s urges rise when they turn thirty, don’t you need a man?”
It was a topic that she felt far too embarrassed to be a part of. At night, Eric sent Hayden and Layla back and stayed forie dinner. “Mom, Hayden and I went to where Uncle Eric works today. Hayden helped someone control their drone and they gave him a big envelope of pocket money!” Layla said, before taking the envelope out. “What about you? What did you do today?” Avery94 asked. “I was filming the music video together with Uncle Eric!” Layla handed the envelope to Avery and said, “We had fun today!”
“It’s a music video for a non-profit NGO and there’s no pay, so I didn’t tell you,” Eric18 explained “Haha, do I look like someone who’s that selfish? I wouldn’t have let you take my kids out if I dicin’t trust you.” Avery’s lips curled into a casual smile. Eric, too, smiled in return. “You should smiled3 more.” “Yeah. I plan on going back to work starting tomorrow.” *That’s good. You are never meant to settle for family,” he said, “You are capable of far more meaningfulcb things” “I just don’t want Mike to exhaust himself. It’s my company and I’ve cast it aside for so long.” Avery gave Mike an embarrassed look Mike reacted shamelessly to being mentioned and said, “If that’s the case, can I take a leave starting tomorrow?” “Sure!
“Never mind. Chad is so busy lately. I will take leave when he can do so as well.” Mike calmed down
“You can take leaves whenever you want.” Avery finished her meal and set down the utensils.
“I will go check on Robert.”
She walked out of the dining room and towards the living room, where Robert was sleeping.
She sat down by the crib and unlocked her phone to check her messages. The chat between Elliot and her was at the top of the list and she opened the chat to find that he was yet to accept the transaction she made.
According to what she knew about him, he would never accept the money unless she fixed the amount. But she wasn’t going to because she saw no reason to accommodate him. Furious, she sent him a message.
‘Take the money!’
Elliot responded swiftly once she sent the message, and soon, her phone showed that the transaction had been accepted.

